Total Eclipse of the… Sun

Paducah, Kentucky

I know, I know… now you’re singing Bonnie Tyler… “There’s nothing I can do. A total eclipse of the heart.”

Enough of that, after a little project in Houston, I headed over to Nashville for a visit with the family and my cousin. Realizing that the eclipse was the day of my return flight home, I decided to catch the late night flight and so I headed out to Paducah Kentucky to catch a glimpse of the 2024 solar eclipse in full totality. It was quite the amazing experience!

The video is a time-lapse of the parking lot we were in where you could see how day turned to night briefly.

The first image is a composite I put together of the 30 minutes surrounding totality.

The Second image is called Baily’s Beads, a phenomenon cause by the sun peaking through the valleys on the surface of the moon. That’s why the crescent shape seems broken up and appears like a line of beads.

The third image was taken at a totality but at a lower exposure to show the “red dots” or solar prominences. Basically massive loops of the suns plasma that hangs attached to the sun.

The forth and fifth image is the eclipse in totality and just as it was ending.

The sixth and final image is referred to as the Diamond Ring. Once the moon just slides out of the way and a tiny piece of the sun becomes visible it creates the appearance of a ring with a diamond on it.

This was such a amazing experience and I hope you enjoy the photos!